Hasil gambar untuk banana photography

Identify Banana Fruit Maturity Rate Based on Skin Color Using Histogram Comparison

Cecep Rizal Iskandar
Teknik Informatika
Universitas BSI, Bandung, Indonesia, (022)7100124
email : cecepriz2603@bsi.ac.id

Digital imagery is part of a very useful technology in everyday life. However, as it is known, digital images are not as good or exact as can be used by the human senses to perform where imaging improvements are called image processing (image processing). RGB2Gray is one of the methods used to improve or develop in order to process further and using a histogram can provide information specifically in different types of bananas that can be distinguished from the skin color of the fruit.
 Kata kunci: pengolahan citra, rgb2gray, histogram, perataan histogram.

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